Thursday, March 06, 2008

the mask

venue: kantin

fiza: farah, awat hg pakai mask? (mask tergantung kat leher)
frh : ops! lupe nk bukak ke.. alamak, maksudnya td ms jumpa Dr. ZZ pon mende ni ada? malunyeh...

ye.. tgh ada sorethroat n running nose x2/7. i wore the facemask in the need to prevent from infecting other children in the ward la. hoho~ in sem6 dulu, i was fine even in medical n surgical wards for 7 weeks each. now, just 2 days in paeds ward i already got sorethroat, running nose, n occasional cough.. ergh.. apekah maksudnya?

kids say the darnest thing2:

"taknakla jd genius, nnt jd cam patient td" -iffah
heh.. x la salah jd genius.. cuma kena la pandai control the stress. yg penting, ingat Tuhan :)



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