Sunday, July 20, 2008

massive spleen

today i went to the ward to practice my clinical skills yg berkarat. so, jus wanna share what i learnt today. let's practice SAQ. medical students, sape nk tolong jawab, u r very welcome!! :)

78 y/o man came with complains of body weakness and loss of appetite for the past 6 months. On examination of the abdomen, there was massive splenomegaly and hepatomegaly.

a) what further history u would like to elicit to come to the diagnosis?

b) what other clinical examination(s) u want to perform? why?

c) what are the common causes of MASSIVE splenomegaly? differential diagnosis la..

d) what r the investigations u would like to carry out?

hm.. soalan2 ni direka je, so i dun have the skema jawapan ye :)
the splenomegaly is really mega (at least from my humble experience). it was extending towards Rt iliac fossa passes the umbilicus. before this is I only palpated mild splenomegaly, usually in Thalassaemic patients. so this morning i was like, 'gile besar spleen ni'... hmm...

~exam fever mode~



At 9:07 AM, Blogger snowflakes said...

i know i know!!! CML ke? oops but its usually higher prevalence in midd aged women

At 4:00 PM, Blogger frhyh said...

whaha.. semang kamu lyana..

causes of massive splenomegaly: malaria, myelofibrosis, CML, hairy cell leukaemia...

causes of hepatosplenomegaly:
B-Thal major, malaria, myelodysplastic diseases, cirrhosis with portal hypertension, glandular fever, amyloidosis

tu je aku ingat for now.. nk tmbh, tmbh la..

hm.. my 1st impression was CML.
lyana, CML is most often in middle age, BUT with a slight MALE predominance, not female. actually that uncle has lymphoma if i'm not mistaken (after looking at his bht) ngehe... i dunno what happened then to that uncle :(


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