Friday, March 20, 2009

first does not always mean good

F: this road is crazy (referring to bkt putus)
Prof R: y? u have motion sickness?
F: yes prof
Prof R: OMG. we took wrong passenger (to Mr. T)

this morning we went to Hosp Kuala Pilah for chest clinic there. i just hate the road to KP. bukit putus memutuskan urat saraf. ergh.. with vestibules like mine, u wl just hate any journey which involve jalan bengkang bengkok mengalahkan ular sawa. once i set my feet on the ground after the journey, my world will spin. luckily i din not vomit. i just hate the journey. the clinic was cool. we got to see a variety of cases there. it was a good thing bcause we only have chest clinic in HKP once in 6 months. yeah, we were the lucky ones.

back from KP, again my world spinned but not so much. i would hv enjoyed the journey if my vestibules are smart. (some ppl said that motion sickness is due to the 'not so smart' vestibules. they r just confused between kinetic and static motion). hmm... rupenye di KP ada sawah bendang.. n i saw a lot of signboard with 'tapak megalitic' or megalithic site. apekebendenye tu?

hmm.. today i learnt that there is always a first time for everything even how strong i tried to avoid it. sometimes the first time is not a good one. as a human being, we dun like a bad thing to happen but it just happened. we have to accept it and think of it the positive way. without the first time, we will never have the experience. there is always a reason why things happened. i thanked Allah for that. but when i think again, it scares me. is it a sign of a bad thing to come? nauzubillah.. i cant help to think about it. ya Allah... give me the strength to overcome this naughty thought. give me the strength to keep on going with life. i am just scared. i am just stressed. or am i just thinking too much?

~ ya Allah, berilah ketenangan pada diri ini.



At 8:11 AM, Blogger azi razak said...

tenang2 aje..

it wont affect much la utk final..

but then, if u were to think too much about it, it will affect the mind...

so, dont think too much.. iye, everything happens for reasons.. :)

At 9:50 AM, Blogger frhyh said...

dah got over it..
sbb i talked to a LOT of ppl..
talking cure..
rasa kelakar pon ade..

study study! exam nx week!


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