Saturday, March 29, 2008


can u imagine

-swallowing saliva stained with blood for almost 24hours?
-u can't really smile coz ur muscle can't contract fully at 1 side?
-u r hungry coz all u can eat is porridge?

huhu~ that's what i feel right now. yesterday i went to a dentist in KKS coz my left upper third molar tooth erupted abnormally (not in the right position la), and the left lower third molar tooth lak jus partially erupted, with a flap (operculum). so there i went to the dentist with the c/o sakit bila makan. really, each time i eat, i'll bite my inner cheek, sakit lerr.. the solution was either to extract the upper tooth coz it's 'not functioning' or take out the flap but i have to come back later la. so, i opted for tooth extraction. waaaaarghhhhh.. ngeri! not painful during the procedure but the aftermath is devastating.. hehe.. still bleeding a bit till now (a day after the procedure) i dun think i have any bleeding disorder.. mebi the artery still not contracted yet or anything.. x bestnyeh.. telan air liur terasa darah.. yeah, mebi i have to start on vampire diet kot, ahaqs! or jadi puteri bersiong. eiii!

hm.. sometimes i do ask myself y i want to b a medical doctor instead of a dentist? less worktime rite? hehe.. tapi xnak la.. i still wanna b a medical doctor. i never like dentists. hehe.. sorry dentists. to my dearest DURA, teruskan usaha menjadi dentist!! andalah harapan fightersz. ngehehe...

dentist-to-be dura n physician-to-be me, 14feb 06, just b4 going to watch PGLtM. best!!

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