Wednesday, February 07, 2007

doa back in college

Oh ALlah,
Most Gracious Most Merciful,
Open to us the path of knowledge,
Guide us to the true ways of Islam,
As you have manifested in the Holy Quran,
Let the knowledge that we have acquired be of benefit to all,
And we vow to seek knowledge till the end of our lives,
And to protect our beloved college,
With all YOUR mightiness,
Strengthen the bond between us,
And give us the endurance that we will require,
In spreading YOUR Holy Word,
May it prevail herein and hereafter...

hmm..this is the doa we d TKCian used to recite every wednesday.. how beautiful the doa is..never realized it since other ppl wll read it during the assembly.. hmm.. maybe i took things for granted without really menghayati isi doa tu.. heh, klakar la bile pk balik my time in tkc. frens come n go but memories stay.. sweet n sour in coll helped me to go trough this life with many types of people =) but FIGHTERSZ; i stil luv u gurls!! last week was our 9th anniversary of batch of 9802.. really miss our time together.. bila nak kecoh2 lagi ek? hehe..

usrah today was about 'generasi alQuran yg unik'. (cam sesuai ngn doa kat atas tu).. there was a generation called Ridhwanullahi alaihim, Rasulullah's sahabat, which was the most special generation ever. their source of ilmu was alQuran solely. so, their lifestyle n focus of life is purely for Allah the AlMighty.. what is happening now in our generation? our source of ilmu is intergrated with adat istiadat, n also with the so-called-modern-western-lifestyle.. hm, bila pikir balik, it's true laa.. we r now soo focus to success in duniawi only, for ukhrawi x ditekankan sgt.. since kecik kita mmg dah diajar cmtu kan.. kesan2 penjajahan ms dulu. now, modern jahiliyah.. lagi bahaya kan.. for me, kita, bila baca Quran, boleh. sedap didengar dgn lenggok lagu skali.. tapi bila disuruh menulis dah terkial2.. apelagi bila nk tau tafsir Quran tu sndiri.. lagi la ternganga, ye tak.. so, back to the isi usrah tdi, the main points r: 1) the source of ilmu should b the holy Quran, 2) the way we learn things shud b correct, x kisah slow n steady s long we know wut we r learning <-my own interpretation.. 3) we hav to leave behind all the perangai yg mcm org jahiliyah, x kira la old or modern jahiliyah.. which i think we r soo used to doing it in our daily lives, even today. yela, we the malays cannot run from adat, but if we hav the courage, boley kot.. insyaAllah..

okla, got to do selective presentation. so lazy la, + amy's n emily's form r not wif us.. x semangat sgt dah.. camne nih?


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