Monday, June 09, 2008

OC trait

DSM- IV diagnostic criteria: pattern of preoccupation
with orderliness, perfectionism and mental and interpersonal control at the
expense of flexibility openness and efficiency, with at least 4 of the

—Preoccupation with details, rules, lists, and organization such
that the main point of activity is lost
—Perfectionism that is detrimental
to completion of task
—Excessive devotion to work to the exclusion of
leisure activities and friendships
—Excessive conscientiousness and
scrupulousness about morals and ethics
—Will not delegate tasks with others
unless they submit to exactly his/her own way of doing things
—Unable to
discard worn-out or worthless objects even when they have no sentimental value
—Miserly spending style toward both self and others; money is viewed as
something to be hoarded for future catastrophies
—Shows rigidity and

Arini kitorang blaja pasal personality disorders and psychotherapy.. menarik la.. byk sebenarnya jenis2 personality dlm dunia ni. Some of them are pathological, which can lead to some specific psychiatric disorder. Takut gak ek. Kita sometimes x sedar pon yg kita ada these traits. mungkin org2 sekeliling kita yg sedar tapi x ter-beritahu. ye la, for layman, they may think that this is his/her norm behaviour.
Hm.. cuba check diri anda, adakah anda tergolong dalam kumpulan Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)?

saya? hehe... mmg perasan ada some of the criteria tapi mungkin belum sampai tahap disorder kot (diri ini denial kah? ahaha).. or should I rephrase it, I do have the obsessive-compulsive traits, maybe mild la :)

my notes, must be very clean and in order

yup, I admit, my parents, maternal uncle, and my younger brother are quite perfectionists, and might have quite obvious OC trait.. and me, criterion no 5 up there nearly 'kill' me last few weeks. seriously. bukannya x nak bagi kerja kat org lain, jus that I might be upset if the ppl I give the task will not do it my way or the correct way (mmg pon, drg buat kerje menonong je, x guna cerebrum betul2).. huh.. in the end, I am the who suffered :(

wuteva la, the event dah abes pon.. farah, please get back to your student routine.. psychiatric posting clinical exam is on next week. yet, u're stil blur and delirious. camne nih? help!!

p/s: oh ya.. I also have acrophobia.. until now pon x dapek nak di tolong.. cmne nih.. hehe..

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